They are bizarre to explain. You could even say that they're ridiculous. But in action, both sports are very cool.
I have yet to see Gaelic Football in person. But I'm going in like two weeks. But I did have the option to see the All-Ireland Hurling Final this afternoon. Here is the play-by-play, bullet style:
- Take a bus into downtown Dublin
- Walk for what seemed like an hour (I was not leading the way)
- Pass a TON of people dressed in Galway (maroon) and Kilkenny (yellow/black) colors
- Feel like an outsider and be pressured into buying a scarf/headband/shirt/flag/etc.
- Sit down in a small, quiet bar
- Get bored instantly
- Walk back towards the stadium
- Haggle with scalpers
- Go to get cash
- Come back and find out that the scalpers no longer have tickets
- Ask the cops for tickets
- Get free tickets from cops (yes, that is a real thing in Ireland)
- Go to the game
And then this happens:
(trying to upload a picture but the wifi here is subpar)
There were 82,000 people in the stadium to watch a sport that is known (by me) as Frying Pan Lacrosse. And it was NUTS.
I took a video of the game-tying score in the final minute and the stadium exploded.
And then the game ended. In a tie. And they play again in three weeks to break the tie. It is bizarre, to say the least. But you can bet your ass I will be there for the rematch.